Income/Expenses 2006, Between 2005 and 2006
- Creation: Between 2005 and 2006
1 folder (1. McDonough, Holland & Allen PC invoices 2. Williams-Kuebelbeck & Associates, Inc. invoices 3. Departmental Order Form for FedEx Shipping 4. Merced Irrigation District Water Usage Report 5. Correspondences regarding Williams-Kuebelbeck & Associates, Inc. invoices between January 2005 to May 2006 (with handwritten notes) 6. Premium Notice and Policy Details from Golden Eagle Insurance 7. Wiebe & Associates, CPA, LLP invoice 8. Departmental Order Form (with attached UCLA payment stub) for for P.O. box rental)
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Chancellor's Archive Room, Mary Miller Papers, Box 1
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository