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Janet Young (see inventory note for content list)

 Unprocessed Material — item: 2014.113.planning
Identifier: 2014-113-planning

Restrictions Apply



  • Creation: Between 2009 and 2012


5 folders


Folder 1: Chancellor's Cabinet Meeting (2009), UCLC meeting (October 12, 2009), Campus Parkway Funding Coffee Street to Yosemite Avenue, correspondences to Hub Walsh, several yellow lined sheets with handwriting and doodles, UCM Traffic mitigation payment invoice correspondence (12/29/2009), City of Merced newsletters (October and November 2010), Campus parkway project vicinity map, yellow lined handwritten notes (11/15/2010), miscellaneous campus parkway estimates, Dedication of Phase 1 Campus Parkway October 15, 2010 Remarks, correspondence between Brad Samuelson and Janet Young (and others), Roadway Segments excerpt from the UCM Draft EIS/EIR November 2008, Draft (8/20/2010) Attorney work product /confidential, Campus parkway funding summary (5/12/2010), Conference call (November 8, 2010), Memorandum from Walter Kieser and Isabel Domeyko (October 5, 2010) re Economic & Planning Systems Inc., Notes from conference call prepared by Tom Lollini (9/1/2010), Email from Walter Kieser to Tom Lollini (10/15/2010), Notes from conference call prepared by Tom Lollini (9/1/2010), Confidential/Attorney-client privilege draft (9/27/2010), Regional Road Reimbursement agreement timing of advance funding contributions (10/27/2010), Agenda/Circulation costs by year financial analysis email (10/27/2010), Email from Elisabeth Gunther to Janet Young/Mary Miller re Campus Parkway Segment (privileged / 8/20/2010), Correspondence from Janet Young to Steven Rough Supervising Engineer Department of Public Works Merced County (2/3/2010), FTE Students reference info 2007-2010, "White Paper on Campus Parkway Segment 1 Mitigation Invoice Intro - to be written" (no date), Mitigation monitoring and reporting program (UCM LRDP 3/2009), Email from Clark Morrison to Elisabeth Gunther re UCM negotiations with City and County permit issues (7/6/2010), Annual phasing of unfunded environmental mitigation projects (spreadsheet authored by Brad Samuelson, dated 3/12/2010), various spreadsheets related to the campus parkway, correspondence from Janet Young to Sherry Ward re legal analysis of regents immunity from local land use regulation (confidential/privileged, 7/16/2010), UC North Development Program Summary (7/15/2010), Land use: land area summary (5/8/2008 draft), Summary of planning, permitting and mitigation expenses (10/22/2009), Email from Clark Morrison to Janet Young, Correspondence re draft EIS/EIR 2009 LRDP (1/5/2009), Correspondence from Brad Samuelson to Nancy Haley re restoration project update for the UCM project (4/24/2010), Correspondence from Brad Samuelson to Thomas Lollini re Environmental planning summary report (6/20/2010), Draft fact sheet for information related to UCM and California dept of Fish and Game, Email from Brad Samuelson re incidental lake permit application and endowment (printed 7/19/2010), State Route 99 Bond program savings candidate projects spreadsheet (4/8/2010), Public-private partnerships: alternative procurement methods for campus development in the UC system, Bay Area Council Economic Institute white paper (June 2010). Folder 2: Correspondence to Robert Lewis re planning and community development (1/12/2010), email from Gregory Diaz Merced city attorney re urban water supply plan (4/5/2011), Email from Bill Cahill assistant city manager to Janet Young and Brad Samuelson (8/31/2009), Email from Jeff Pennington re Mintier Focus group #4 Notes, Planning commission suggested changes to the draft 2030 general plan (J7/1/2011), Merced County general plan update: treatment of UCM Campus and University community North, Supplemental board meeting material (7/12/2011 - planning, draft 2030 general plan update review, supplemental #1), Memo from Walter Kieser and Isabel Domeyko re updated financial analysis of transportation agreement EPS #18065 (10/5/2010), Correspondence to James Fincher county counsel, County of Merced & Gregory Diaz, city attorney, City of Merced re outstanding invoice and ongoing negotiations (2/10/2011), Correspondence to Elisabeth Gunther from James Fincher Merced county counsel re outstanding invoice and ongoing negotiations (1/19/2011), Cooperative agreement draft (n.d., maybe 2011), Agenda settlement meeting (7/6/2011), Email from Tom Lollini re Campus parkway document, Maps 2013 LRDP (land use, communities: districts and neighborhoods, circulation: transit access, circulation: vehicular access right of ways, circulation: pedestrians, mobility: bicycles), Public Review Draft February 2011 agricultural element, Summary action minutes Merced county board of supervisors regular meeting (10/6/2009) Folder 3: Miscellaneous items from revised General Plan Alternatives D&E, Transportation improvement funding agreement privileged and confidential draft (12/8/2009), Correspondence from Mary Miller to Larry Combs Merced county executive officer re check for segment 1 campus parkway (8/15/2011), Correspondence from Elisabeth Gunther to James Fincher (county counsel) and Gregory Diaz (city attorney) re outstanding invoice and ongoing negotiations (2/10/2011), summary VST proportional share to planning, Permitting and mitigation expenses (8/30/2011), Correspondence to supervisor John Pedrozo from Chancellor Leland re Merced county general plan update (7/11/2011), VST grazing revenues received and expenses incurred on university land (2001-2010), Subdivision of UCLC land (confidential, includes maps, email and other misc materials) (2011), Merced County general plan update (draft), Correspondence from James Fincher county counsel to Elisabeth Gunther re outstanding invoice and ongoing negotiations, Map (UCM/UCLC CDFG Incidental Take Permit work zones 7/7/2011), Summary of environmental related expenses between 2010 and 2020, Campus parkway additional phases (8/9/2011), Comments on the draft EIS/EIR and responses to comments (3/2009), Draft summary of elements of letter of April 6, 2009 regarding future transportation improvements (6 tabbed sections including summary, 4/6/2009 letter, city of Merced principles, UCM principles, meeting notes 8/3/2009), Email from Tom Lollini to Mary Miller and Janet Young re Subdivision of UCLC land (confidential, 3/17/2011), UC/community north entitlement strategy (diagram), UCLC balance sheet (12/31/2010 - 1/31/2011 unaudited), UCLC meeting agenda (3/17/2011), Planning team implementation presentation (n.d.), UCLC meeting agenda (2/17/2011), Land transfer proposal (2/19/2010), Misc items (possibly related to chancellor's cabinet meeting, n.d., including UCLC meeting agenda email 2/15/2011, draft land transfer model, and revised draft charge), Summary of environmental related expenses between 2010 and 2020, Campus parkway expense reimbursement summary (8/6/2010), Mitigation monitoring and reporting program, Impact Sciences, Inc. - UCM LRDP March 2009. Folder 4: Corresondence to Demitrios Tatum (chief executive officer County of Merced) & John Bramble (City of Merced city manager) (4/10/2009), Corresondence to Demitrios Tatum (chief executive officer County of Merced) & John Bramble (City of Merced city manager) (4/1/2009), Confidential business information attorney client privilege proposed principles regarding UCM 2020 urban services and roadway improvements compensation to City and County of Merced (prepared by UCM-TEL 2/13/2009), UCLC meeting agenda (11/6/2008), Topic outline, new UCM city services agreement (1/21/2009), Correspondence to John Bramble city manager (1/16/2009), Memo from Tom Lollini re UCM Community Plan Infrastructure Requirements and Costs (8/28/2008), University community update market analysis report (prepared by Economic Planning Systems October 2008), Statement from the Merced County Farm Bureau board of directors re the Draft EIS/EIR UCM 2009 LRDP, Comments by Janet Young City Council Meeting (1/20/2009), City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting (1/20/2009), Financial importance of mitigation (City example), Administrative report to John Bramble from Kim Espinosa (planning manager) re Final comments on 2009 LRDP, the university community, and draft EIR. Folder 5: Correspondence from Merced County Department of Public Works Road Division (12/29/2009), Correspondence to Larry Combs county executive officer and John Bramble city manager (7/22/2011), Email from Tom Lollini regarding City treatment of Campus/UC-North plan in final General Plan (8/2/2011), Email from Gregory Diaz city of Merced re meeting agenda (8/1/2011), Correspondence from James Fincher (Merced county counsel) to Elisabeth Gunther re outstanding invoice and ongoing negotiations (1/19/2011), Correspondence to Steven Rough (supervising engineer Department of Public Works) re mitigation payments (2/3/2010), Correspondence to Demitrios Tatum (County of Merced chief executive officer) from Paul Fillebrown (Department of Public Works director) (1/23/2003), Correspondence from chancellor Dorothy Leland to supervisor John Pedrozo re Merced County general plan update (7/11/2011), Summary of environmental related expenses between 2010 and 2020 (prepared by Brad Samuelson - 3/12/2010), Notes - key principles for discussion with city and county of Merced (no date), First amendment to tolling agreement (county of Merced - 6/21/2011), Draft for discussion purposes only alternative settlement points for mitigation of UC & UC's traffic and circulation impacts (5/25/2011), Emails between Tom Lollini, Mary Miller & Janet Young re General Plan update (6/2011), Confidential draft #2 letter from OGC to Merced County and City Counsel (2/7/2011), Summary of UCM Traffic Mitigation Measure, Draft attorney work product/confidential (8/20/2010), Confidential draft letter from OGC to Merced county and city counsel (1/31/2011), Volume 2 transportation and traffic reference material from university community project draft EIS/EIR (11/2008), Confidential draft letter from OGC to Merced county and city counsel (1/31/2011)