Professional Services Agreements (see container summary)
- Creation: Between 2009 and 2015
113 folders (Agreement, Amendments, Authorizations, Exhibits, Insurances SSM, UCM-05-05, A.C. Martin misc., UCM-06-23, Airola Environmental Consulting Beginnings, UCM-08-02, ARUP H1, UCM-05-17, Baker Consulting misc., UCM-02, David B. Barrows ParkE&F, UCM-07-16, Bellecci & Associates ParkG&H, UCM-08-22, Bellecci & Associates misc., UCM-06-12, Bovee Environmental Management misc., UCM-04-20, BSK misc., UCM-04-20, BSK Analytical Laboratories misc., UCM-08-41, BSK Associates SSM, UCM-08-41, BSK ECEC, UCM-09-05, BSK ECEC, UCM-09-05, BSK Analytical Laboratories misc., Z830PNA247, Burchard & Rinehart LRDP, UCM-08-11, Business Place Strategies LRDP, UCM-08-12, Business Place Strategies misc., UCM-07-21, Cavell Mertz + Associates, Inc. LRDP, UCM-08-13, Cliff Lowe Associates, Inc. LRDP, UCM-08-14, Cliff Lowe Associates, Inc. CAOB, UCM-10-04, CO Architects misc., UCM-10-02, Cliff Lowe Associates, Inc. ParkGH, UCM-09-08, Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. SCIF, UCM-09-25, Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. LITC, UCM-09-26, Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. misc., UCM-06-02, Cumming, LLC H2, UCM-05-04, Cumming, LLC misc., UCM-04-11, Cumming, LLC misc., UCM-05-21, Construction Testing + Engineering misc., UCM-07-09, Davis Langdon SCIF, UCM-09-20, Davis Langdon misc., UCM-06-16, DBI + Associates, LLC Beginnings, UCM-08-04, Degenkolb Engineers H2, UCM-05-24, Degenkolb Engineers H1, UCM-07-01, Degenkolb Engineers SSM, UCM-07-18, Degenkolb Engineers H3, UCM-09-02, Degenkolb Engineers SE2, UCM-09-17, Degenkolb Engineers misc., UCM-09-07, The Design Partnership SE2, UCM-09-19, Douglas E. Jamieson LRDP, UCM-08-28, Economic and Planning Systems, INC. misc., UCM-08-27, Economic and Planning Systems, INC. misc., UCM-09-16, Edwards Lien & Toso misc., UCM-09-18, EHDD Architecture H1, UCM-06-25, EHDD Architecture misc., UCM-04-14, EIP Associates misc., UCM-09-11, The Engineering Enterprise Beginnings, UCM-08-21, Forell/Elsesser Engineers, INC. SI, UCM-05-12, Fremming, Parson & Pecchenino ECEC, UCM-08-35, Fremming, Parson & Pecchenino misc., UCM-06-15, Fremming, Parson & Pecchenino misc., UCM-04-19, Fremming, Parson & Pecchenino H3, UCM-08-42, Fremming, Parson & Pecchenino SCIF, UCM-08-24, Gicklhorn Lazzartto Partners misc., UCM-06-11, Golden Valley Engineering misc., UCM-07-22, Golden Valley Engineering misc., UCM-07-20, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum ECEC, UCM-07-23, Indigo/Hammond & Playle Architects LITC, UCM-04-25, JDA misc., UCM-05-19, Jones & Stokes Associates misc., UCM-06-04, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants misc., UCM-07-06, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants SSM, UCM-07-04, Kleinfelder Inc. H3, UCM-08-40, Kleinfelder, Inc. H2, UCM-05-13, Kleinfelder, Inc. misc., UCM-09-04, Kleinfelder, Inc. misc., UCM-07-10, Kleinfelder, Inc. misc., UCM-05-07, Kleinfelder, Inc. LSSF, UCM-10-18, Kleinfelder, Inc. SE2, UCM-10-05, Lars Anderson and Associates ParkIJKL, UCM-10-09, LARS Anderson & Associates SI5, UCM-10-11, LARS Anderson & Associates H4, UCM-10-24, LARS Anderson & Assoc., Inc. SI4, UCM-10-25, LARS Anderson & Assoc., Inc. misc., UCM-10-27, LARS Anderson & Assoc., Inc. RW, UCM-09-27, LPA, Inc. misc., UCM-05-11, Kremer + Associates H1, UCM-04-07, Mauldin-Dorgmeier H2, UCM-06-06, NAFFA International, Inc. misc., UCM-10-03, Lawrence J. Nowlan Sculpture misc., UCM-05-22, MC Environmental Solutions misc., UCM-06-09, MC Environmental Solutions misc., UCM-07-08, Navigant Consulting, Inc. misc., UCM-06-07, Nolte Associates, Inc. misc., UCM-07-13, O'Dell Engineering H2, UCM-06-10, O'Dell Engineering misc., UCM-05-14, O'Dell Engineering SE2, UCM-06-01, Perkins + Will SI3, UCM-05-15, Perkins Design Associates H3, UCM-10-07, Perkins Design misc., UCM-10-15, PES Environmental, Inc. misc., UCM-10-16, PES Environmental SI6, UCM-10-34, PES Environmental, Inc. LRDP, UCM-11-15, PES Environmental, Inc. Park, UCM-10-33, PES Environmental, Inc. misc., UCM-07-12, Perkins Design Associates H4, UCM-10-26, Prowest PCM Inc. H3, UCM-08-20, Pyatok Architects, Inc. H4, UCM-08-20, Pyatok Architects, Inc. misc., UCM-07-03, Race Studio misc., UCM-10-01, R.B. Welty & Assoc., Inc. misc., UCM-04-21, Richter Group LITC, UCM-06-13, Roof Systems Engineering SI, UCM-05-10, Sandis Humber Jone s misc., UCM-03-14, Sasaki Associates LRDP, UCM-09-27, SBCATREE Consulting misc., UCM-06-24, Simon & Associates H1, UCM-04-26, Smith, Fause & McDonald, Inc. SE2, UCM-08-36, SmithGroup, Inc. LSSF, UCM-06-21, SmithGroup, Inc. SE2, UCM-10-13, SmithGroup, Inc. misc., UCM-10-28, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. misc., UCM-05-16, Square Peg Design)
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Cabinet 29, Drawer 2 Castle Warehouse, Cabinet 29, Drawer 4 Castle Warehouse, Cabinet 30, Drawer 4
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository