Fire Cabinet CD Collection, Drawer 1 (see container summary)
- Creation: Between 2012 and 2016
1 Cubic Feet (AAO PDF Drawings, Topo, Issued for information only, 2/8/2008, PDF & CAD AAO Topo Survey [2 CDs], 12/12/2007 AAO Academic Affairs Infrastructure Bid Set [3 CDs, handwritten, paperwork attached] Beginnings 100% Construction Documents, 7/2/2008 [3 copies, saved to UCMStor] Beginnings “100% Construction Documents, PDF w/ DSA & Fire Marshal Stamps” [handwritten] Beginnings Construction Drawings, Bid Documents, Drawings & Specs, 8/1/2008 COB Record Drawings 20071016: Architectural, AV-IT, Cover, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Security, Structural, Theatre COB Submittal package no 01830-0005 – 01830-0 Division 15 (plumbing O&M manuals, optical media + As Builts [see paperwork] COB 4 discs, Revised CDs of CAD Record Documents [Architectural PDFs & CAD, Mechanical CAD – see paperwork] COB DSA Approved Drawings & Specs, 8/1/2004 [see paperwork] COB Division 15 As builts COB Fire Protection As builts COB Division 1 files COB “Gareth’s COB pictures, August through December 2005” [handwritten] COB2 Schematic Design, Campus Design Standards & SD 100% Deliverables (2 CDs) COB2 Design Development 100% Deliverables Central Plant Bulletin no. 121, 4/11/2006, Roof Canopy Revision Dining TI Information Available to Bidders [3 CDs] Dining TI Record Set As builts, PDF & TIFF format, Arch, Mech, Plumbing, Elect, Food Service Dining TI 4/15/2005 “Housing Commons, Oct 23, 2003” [Reference material?] ECEC Handwritten on CD, “Topo, Childcare.” CD is an exe file which cannot be opened on a mac. ECEC Reference Drawings, BP 3 unofficial as-builts, 5/31/2005, BP3, Original bid, 2/14/2003 ECEC Reference Drawings, BP6 Unofficial as-builts, 5/31/2005, BP6 Original bid, 3/26/2004 ECEC Topographic survey, Golden Valley Engineering & Survey, 11/2007, AutoCAD GSLD H1 / Dining H1 Site Sub drawings, Fire, Life, Safety (stamped) 8/11/2003, PDF & AutoCAD [2 CDs] H1 Plans & Specifications, hand notation on one CD “archive copy to go out with design/build docs you are working on.” [2 copies] H1 Contract Documents H1 Bid Set, Bar Architects, 02015, 4/4/2003 H1 Drawings & Specs – handwritten on CD, “good.” H1 “Sept 03 GSLD Photos” [handwritten – no label] H1 Copy of Mayer contract [handwritten – no label] H1 “Garden Lakeview Contract” [handwritten – no label] H1 “GSLVD, Oct 2003” [handwritten – no label] H1 100% CD [saved to UCMStor] H1 Facilities Deficiencies Report [photos & text, saved to UCMStor under Constr Admin] H1 Landscape plans, 8/24/2005 H1 “All site pics taken by Karl as of Dec 16, 2005” [handwritten, CD has monthly subfolders from Nov. 2004 – Aug 2006] H1 Division 1, Design/Construction [handwritten, no date] H1 “Working docs! GSLD” [handwritten, no date] H1 Fire Life Safety DSA ADA Stamped, 100% CD, PDF files 10/23/2003 [handwritten] H1 Plan check cor., site/civil submittals, fire life safety, stamped, 8/11/2003[?, last # is indecipherable], Specifications, AutoCAD H1 Renderings, Forster housing, Reardon commons [handwritten, saved to UCMStor, Planning\LRDP\Rendering Coll images & also saved to Projects\H1\Design Development] H2 Campus Standard cross over design bid contracts [attached documentation] H2 Design-Build RFP, November 26 2002 H2 Conformed set and Addendum #3 [Revisions to conformed set], MEP drawings [4 CDs] H2 Conformed Set, Addendum #3, MEP, Revisions to Conformed Set, 8/25/2006 H2 Civil utilities, BP1, 9/11/2006 [handwritten – disc also includes RFI transmittal] H2 Bid release 1 & 2 [files titled “for as builts”], but the CD shows that these are 100% CDs. H2 “FTP, 8/25/2006” [handwritten] H3 Powerpoint presentation H4 Digitized O&M Manuals (already saved to UCMStor & Facilities Link - backup copies) H4 Record Drawings (AutoCAD & PDFs - missing Electrical PDFs) Record BIM/Revit models LITC Bid Release 1, received 8/6/2003 from Swinerton. LITC As built record documents, Transbay Fire Sprinkler [4 CDs, two w/ the date 1/16/2008, two with the date 6/12/2006]. Attached documentation LITC HVAC & Plumbing As builts, AutoCAD 2000 format, 8/2/2005 LITC Bid Release 2, Mark-up scans of drawings, 3/24/2004 LITC HVAC & Plumbing, O&M Manuals, 7/12/2006, attached paperwork [2 copies] LITC Rex Moore Cat 6 Test Results LITC LITC Fire Alarm System Record Drawings, 1/16/2008, Tri Signal LITC “Saving by design, Library” [handwritten, no label] LITC Division 17, As builts, Operation & Maintenance LITC Bid Release2 Volume 1 & 2, 10/22/2004 LITC Mayer Repographics Contract documents [can’t read program] LITC CM @ risk, Bid docs [handwritten, “backup of LITC from Diane, 4/4/2003”] LITC Drawings & Specifications, 8/6/2003, Hallmark Group LITC Bid Release 1.1, Bid docs, vol. 1, specs, vol. 2, 3, & 4, Drawings, vol 1 & 2, dated 10/17/2003 LITC Fire Marshall Drawings, Vols. 1 & 2, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, 4/7/2003 [2 CDs] LITC 1st floor plans, 11/10/2003 (handwritten, postit- “Ramon Torres”) LITC Bid Release 1, received 8/6/2003, copied 5/8/2006 [handwritten] LITC Contract Documents, Mayer Repographics [3 CDs – 3 copies] LITC Bid docs, Bid Release 1.1, Drawings Vol. 1 & 2 [sorted by drawing name] 10/17/2003 (see paperwork) LITC Plumbing, piping (AutoCAD 2002) 2/10/2005 LITC Asbuilts (Architectural, Mechanical, Security, Structural, Plumbing) 2006 LITC As builts HVAC & Plumbing LRDP Original 2002, Approved & Final 2009, Approved & Final LRDP 2002 LRDP in Quark Express [see paperwork] LRDP 2008 Final EIR & Addendum 9 / Housing 3 LRDP Mayer Reprographics, LRDP, Draft & Final Version, 2/25/2003 [2 CDs] Misc Bridge, drawings, 9/6/2002, submittal and plot files Misc Dean Traina Emails Misc COB/LITC Documents [no label] Misc “Site Photos, 8.27.2004” [no known project] Misc “CD Inventory Log, 6/18.2003, Mai T.” Misc Traina Back up 1 2, 3 & 4 (4 CDs), 10/24/2003 Misc Campus Standards, 5/11/2004 [handwritten, see paperwork] Misc Cross over Design, Bid Contracts, 5/11/2004 [handwritten, see paperwork] Misc Campus Standards, 10/26/2004 [handwritten, see paperwork] Misc Phase 1, Addenda #2, LITC Addenda items Misc Master Specs Controls, Steve Taylor, Div 15 & 17, 01810 Commissioning, 10/22/2003 [handwritten] Misc Carpet Contracts, dated 12/23/2003 Misc “8/02 Draft UCM Master Division 1” Misc “Min Jiang, 11/14/2005” [handwritten, looks like several files but no specific project is clearly identified] Misc AutoFlame, M.M., E.G.A. Tech manual, site boilers Misc “CEP, HHW Boilers, 2006” [handwritten] Misc “UCM, Prelim, TI AutoCAD Dwgs, 11/21/2003” Misc “DesignBuild, June 2001, 10, 2002” [handwritten] Misc Division 1 Specs Misc “Little Lake Road, FPP # 3002.03, 1/19/2005” [handwritten] Misc “Site 2, Little Lake Road As Builts, 10/24/2005” [handwritten] Misc “UC Merced Entry Road, FPP Job no 3002.01” Misc “Little Lake Road, FPP Job # 3002.03” Misc “CAD Drawings, UCM Little Lake Road, FPP, Job no. 3002.03” North Bowl Parking Scanned Redline As builts North Bowl Parking Landscape As builts Planning University Community Plan, 12/21/2004 (saved to UCMStor) Planning Soils reports (saved to UCMStor) Planning Merced Water Supply Report, 2001 (saved to UCMStor) Planning UCM Campus Planning Flat File Cabinets, 6/25/2003 [handwritten, saved to UCMStor, Planning\Operations\Planning file tree\boards] Recreation & Wellness RW Savings by Design (proprietary files – needs to be saved via a windows machine) RW Numerous construction documents (conformed set, submittal log, addenda). Items were saved to UCMStor RW 100% CDs Revision 1 August 23, 2005 RW Sasaki Record Documents with attached paperwork (revised and resubmit transmittal), 4 CDs RW Michael Chow Emails 2005 RW Schedules, June - July 2006 SE Miscellaneous correction notices & ceiling fire sprinkler inspections SE Addenda Items, UCM Controls, Phase 1, Addenda #2 SE2 100% Construction Documents SI Bid Package 3, Fire Marshall Approved, 1/6/2003 SI Dis (sp) 1 & Boilerplate, 4/22/2004 SI “UCM BP3 For information only” [handwritten] SI 1-3 Drawings, MEP Record set, full & reduced size SI BP2, BP2 Grading plans, BP3, BP4 [Mayer repographics) SI Site Logistics Plan, 2/22/2003 SI Bid Package 2,3,4 with grading plans SI Bid Package 4, 6/29/2005 [handwritten] SI Bid Package 2 [handwritten, no date, TIFF format] SI “Bid Package 2 Bulletin #42 C-CO.03-2” [handwritten] SI “UC Inf. Bid Package 2 Grading plans, Oct 3, 2002, Sandis, Humber Jones” [handwritten, 2 CDs] SI “UC Merced Infra, Bid Package 2, 08/12/2002.” [handwritten] SI “UCM Infrastructure, 6/29/2005, Dwgs, Bid Packages 2&3” [handwritten] SI “Bid PKG 2, Add 1” [handwritten] SI BP 2 Fire Marshall Approved, 11/13/2002 SI “Site & Infrastructure, 9/20/2002, best copy of contract docs, BP2” [handwritten] SI “UCM SI BP 2,3,4, w/ grading plans, 10/30/2002” [handwritten] SI “UCM, BP4, for information only” [handwritten] SI “UCM Site Logistics Plan, 12/10/2002, use tif file with correct title” [handwritten] SI 100% Site Utilities & 100% Corporate Yard (BP5), 3 CDs (2 are duplicates) SI BP6 Asbuilts SI4 O&M manuals, Warranties, and Asbuilts SI6 Record Documents (PDFs & CAD) SSB Irrigation As-builts SSB Plumbing As-builts SSB Electrical As-builts SSM 100% Design Development SSM Inspection Photos, November 2008-February 2009 Valley Terraces TI Contract Exhibits in Word Format, 1/11/2008 [paperwork attached] SNRI Wawona Informatics Record Drawings & Specifications, 4/15/2013 [saved to UCMStor])
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Staging Area, Floor
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository