Wetlands/Biology Constraints (Stromberg Study-1992), 1991 - 1992
- Creation: 1991 - 1992
1 folder (1. Endangered Species Act and Section 404 of The Clean Water Act 2. Letter from Laurence P. Stromberg, Wetlands Consultant, to Jack Zimmermann, Associate Director, Long-range Planning, RE Scope of Work and Budgets, Phase II Work, Lake Yosemite and Academy Sites, dated March 10, 1991 3. Draft letter from Laurence P. Stromberg, Wetlands Consultant, to Jack Zimmermann, Associate Director, Long-range Planning, RE Scope of Work and Budgets, Phase II Work, Lake Yosemite and Academy Sites, dated February 25, 1991 4. Article titled, "Ephemeral Edens" 5. Draft Preliminary Assessment of Constraints Waters of The United States Candidate University of California Central Valley Campus Sites, dated February 6, 1992 6. New Campus Planning Site Identification Meeting, June 24, 1992 7. Draft Department of Fish and Game Guidelines for the Establishment and Use of Wetland Mitigation Banks, dated November 1990 8. Hand-written notes, dated June 24, 1992 9. Correspondence RE Wetlands, dated February 4, 1992 10. Meeting Notes: Lake Yosemite, dated February 11, 1992 11. Hand-written notes, dated February 7, 1992 12. Planning Work Group 1/31/92 Results and Conclusions, dated February 5, 1992 13. Hand-written notes, dated January 31, 1992 14. New Campus Planning Site Identification, dated January 31, 1992 Letter from Denise Rousseau, Project Manager, to Jack Zimmerman, Associate Director, Long Range Planning, RE Cost Estimate for Continuing Wetland Mapping and Analysis, dated November 27, 1991 15. Draft Interview of Wetlands Consultants, dated November 24, 1991 16. Hand-written notes, dated November 13, 1991 17. California Planning & Development Report, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 1991 18. Article titled, "Congress Prohibits Corps of Engineers From Using 1989 Jurisdictional Manual to Delineate Wetlands, dated September 5, 1991 19. Nature Conservancy July/August 1991 article, "A Shrimp by Any Other Name...Might Be Extinct")
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Chancellor's Archive Room, Physical & Environmental Planning Files, Box 43
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository