Preliminary Notices-Notices to Comply, 2014-02-13 - 2014-07-10
- Creation: 2014-02-13 - 2014-07-10
22 Files (11 Notices to Comply, 11 Preliminary Notices No. 85: Venting for Corrosive Cabinets in room 110 No. 80 Re test Telecom system CAT 6A outlets No. 76 Completion of Server room 040 No.066 Completion of Communication Rooms and Testing No. 094 Re test furniture telecom outlets No. 070 correction of fire alram devices No. 083 Fire alram correction required by fire marshal No.078 repair damaged insulation in the central plant utility tunnel No.062: Completion of communication rooms No.095 Siemens air value valve auto zero module No.059 Project completion recovery schedule No. 091 fume hood certification No. 090 fire safety correction notice dated 06.20.14 Prelim Notices F19168,E99870 ) ; 8.5" x 11"
Language of Materials
From the Class: English
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Cabinet M7, Overhead
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository