2008 UC Merced and University Community Project Draft EIS/EIR Source Documents, Volumes 1-4 & Appendices, Between 2005 and 2008
- Creation: Between 2005 and 2008
6 Volumes (Volume 1, Volume 2 (2 of 2), Volume 3, Volume 4, and Appendices Volume 1, 4.0 Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences: 4.1 Aesthetics 4.2 Agricultural Resources 4.3 Air Quality 4.5 Cultural Resources 4.6 Geology and Soils 4.7 Hazardous Materials and Public Safety 4.8 Hydrology and Water Quality Volume 2, Affected Environmental and Environmental Consequences: 4.4 Biological Resources (1 of 2) Volume 2, 4.0 Affected Environmental and Environmental Consequences: 4.4 Biological Resources (2 of 2) Volume 3, 4.0 Affected Environmental and Environmental Consequences: 4.9 Land Use and Planning 4.10 Noise 4.11 Public Services and Recreation 4.12 Socioeconomics / Environmental Justice 4.13 Transportation and Traffic 4.14 Utilities and Service Systems 4.15 Other Resource Topics 4.16 Global Climate Change Volume 4, 4.0 Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences: 5.0 Cumulative Impacts 6.0 Growth - Inducing Impacts Appendices: ES Notice of Preparation/Notice of Intent and Scoping Comments 2.0 Resources Management Documentation 2.0-1 Management Plan for Conservation Plan 2.0-2 Final Biological Opinion on the Propsed University of California Merced Campus 2.0-3 Conservation Strategy 2.0-4 Compensatory Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan 2.0-5 Resource Mitigation Plan 3.0 Alternative Analyses 2004 Alternatives Analysis Supplemental Alternatives Analysis 4.2 Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model Output 4.3 Air Quality Documentation General Conformity Analysis Emissions Calculations 4.13 Traffic Impact Analysis)
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Castle Warehouse, Chancellor's Archive Room, Right Aisle 1, Column 5, Shelf 5 & Shelf 6
Repository Details
Part of the University of California, Merced, Design and Construction Archives Repository