Physical & Environmental Planning Publications / Brochures
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12.12 Linear Feet (See UCMStor\PPDC\Operations\Archives\General\Archival Control\Indexes\Physical & Environmental Planning File Structure\Inventory Planning Handouts for full inventory of this accession)
UC Merced and University Community Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report November 2008: Volume 1-3 UC Merced and University Community Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report March 2009 2010-20 Capital Financial Plan Supplemental Section 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analysis University of California, Merced Project September 2008 UC Merced Tomorrow Long Range Development Plan University of California, Merced 2009 Draft UC Merced Tomorrow Long Range Development Plan University of California, Merced 2009 Final Physical Design Framework University of California, Merced 2010 Original Handouts (10 copies)