Fire Cabinet CD Collection, Drawer 2 (see inventory note)
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1 Cubic Feet (See inventory note)
AAO Sewer Inspection, April 10, 2009 Storm Drain Inspection, April 10, 2009 CAOB Topographic Survey, 2010 COB Record Documents, CAD, PDFs, Project Manual 5.12.2008 (handwritten) COB Record Drawings (Drawings & Specs, Drawing List, Fire Alarm Record Drawings, FA Dwg List) COB Record As Builts (3 of 3 volumes) COB Fire Alarm Record Drawings (Drawing list, specs) 5.14.2007, issued 7.26.07, PDF & CAD formats COB Submittal 01789-0005-1 (3 CDs – attached paperwork) COB Stagecraft As Builts COB As Builts Division 15, HVAC, Submittal # 01789-0009-0 (attached paperwork) COB Fire Protection As Builts, 11.7.05 COB Elevators (handwritten – no other description on CD, though found with other As Builts) COB Metal Deck As Builts, Pacific Erectors COB Section 11061, 11062, 11063, Drawings, Stagecraft Industries, Inc. COB Miscellaneous metal Fabrication, CE Toland, 005500, 2760 As Builts COB Plumbing As Builts, 3.1.2006 COB Submittal Package 01830-0006-01830-0 COB O&M, Optical Media, 01830-0006 (attached documentation) COB Submittal # 01789-0006-0 (attached documentation) COB Submittal # 01830-0004 – 01830-0, Plumbing Optical Media, O&M COB Record Drawings (Arch, Struct, MEP, Fire, AV/IT, Tech Drawings, Fire Sprinkler Drawings (attached paperwork) COB Submittal # 01789-0008-1, Burnett & Sons, As Built Dwgs (attached paperwork) COB Submittal # 01789-0001-1, COB Stagecraft As Builts, 11061 Theatrical Rigging, 11062 Theatrical draperies, 11063 Variable Acoustics COB Submittal #01789-002-2 COB Submittal #01789-0011-1 COB Bid Documents, Revision 5, Drawings & Specifications, 3.8.2008 COB Submittal # 01789-0006-0, 3.2.2006 COB Architectural & Structural As Builts COB Submittal # 05300-01789-4-0, Metal Deck As Builts, Pacific Erectors COB Submittal # 01789-0001-1, Stagecraft As Builts (2 copies) COB Submittal # 01789-0005-1 COB Submittal # 01789-0001-1 COB Submittal # 01789-0004-1 COB Submittal # 01789-0008-0 COB Submittal # 01789-0010-0 (& 01), Enclosed As Builts COB Bid Package 2, Revision 6 & 7, Swinerton, 4.12.2004 COB Final ThyssenKrupp Elevator Dwgs, 5.16.2006, TKE# 090-1692C, ET0642 & ET0643 Dining Expansion Bulletin #3, AutoCAD files Dining TI Record Set & As Builts (Arch, Mech, Plumbing, Electric, Food Service – handwritten cover), 9.2006, (3 copies) Dining TI Fire Alarm Record Drawings & Drawing list, 6.22.2005 H1 Scanned only contractor As Builts, 2.9.2006 (4 copies) H1 & Dining TI Documents from Min Jiang (As builts, Record Documents, Fire Marshall set, Bid Set) H2 Record Documents, 6.27.2008 (3 copies) H2 Electrical, Fire sprinkler, mechanical, plumbing (dwgs) H2 As builts, AMS Plumbing, Bangar – Mechanical, Collins – Electric, Tri-Signal – FA, LV, Transbay – Fire sprinkler H2 MEP Coordination Drawings H2 Drawings, Advanced Mechanical Systems H4 Record Asbuilts, 11.1.2013 H4 IOR Redlines, cataloged 12.23.2013 LITC Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Revised Record Drawings, 3.12.2007 LITC Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Arch, MEP, Security, Specs, Record Drawings, 4.19.2007 LITC Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Structural & Technology Record Drawings, 4.19.2007 LITC Plumbing and HVAC Asbuilts, Champion Industial Contractors, 20051109 LITC Record Drawings, Specs, Drawing List, 10.31.2006 LITC Record Drawings in B&W, PDF, 10.31.2006 LITC Record Drawings, 7.16.2007 LITC Record Drawings, 10.31.2006 (handwritten “Color & B&W”) LITC Record Drawings, Technology & Security, 10.31.2006 LITC Record Drawings (Fire Alarm Record Drawings, contractor Tri-Signal, Drawings & Drawing List) issued 1.31.2008 LITC Fire Protectio Asbuilts (AutoCAD) LRDP Original 2002 Approved & Final Miscellaneous - Former Staff Inspector Bryan Boudreau's Archive, "Archive 1" Planning Final Status Report - Regional Authorities, September 2001 RW Savings by Design (proprietary files – needs to be saved via a windows machine) RW HVAC O&M manual, 20060714 SCIF Training LMC & Newmatic Engineering DVDs (information not transferrable to UCMStor) SCIF Lab Casework Submittal for Review (not saved to UCMStor) SE Beck Steel, Structural & Miscellaneous Steel, Shops Drawings, volumes 1-11 (11 CDs) SE Drawings of Volume 1 & 2 Drawings of Volume 3 & Specs SE Disc 1 of 2, drawings Disc 2 of 2, vol. 3, specs SE Record drawings PDF, Stockton Blue (handwritten) SE Tri Signal Record Drawings 11.30.2007 (3 copies) SE Fire Alarm Record Documents, 11.30.2007 SE Plumbing As Built Drawings SE Transbay Fire Protection Fire Sprinkler As Builts SE Electrical, Telecom, Security, Lab (AutoCAD As Builts) SE Superior Air Handling MEP Coordination Drawings (handwritten post-it shows that X-Refs are missing) SE Rex Moore Electric Asbuilts (2 copies) S&I Bid Package 2, Drawings Bid Package 3, Drawings & Specs Bid Package 4, Drawings S&I Mayer Repographics, Bid package 2 (Drawings), Bid package 3 (Drawings & Specs), Bid Package 4 (Drawings) (2 copies) S&I (handwritten) Bid Packages 5, 6, 7 & Parking Lots S&I Bid Package 4, Fire Marshall Approval, 12.18.2002 S&I Bid Package 6, 95% Drawings & Specs, 10.3.2003 S&I Building Control & Layout Drawings S&I 100% Basis of Design Report w/ Appendices (2 copies) S&I Bid Package 6, 50%, Drawings & Specifications S&I Mayer Reprographics Bid Package 2 (Drawings), Bid Package 3 (Drawings & Specs), Bid Package 4 (Drawings) S&I Bid Package 2, Addendum #s 1-9, Grading Plans S&I Bid Package 3, Drawings & Specs (Bid Set) S&I Mayer Reprographics Contract Documents, Round 1 S&I 4 O&M Manuals S&I 4 Training Videos S&I 4 Record Documents S&I 4 Bryan Boudreau (former UCM Inspector) SSB Asbuilts (Architectural, Civil, Landscaping, Electrical, Security, Telecomm, Mechanical, Structural) SSM BR2 DSA Drawings and Specs SSM BR2 Rebid, 200908 (not saved to UCMStor; appear to be duplicates) Thomas Lollini's CDs [Given to Tom by Min Jiang] 1. "Regent Approval Presentation for Housing 1, Housing 2, Logistical Support Service Facilities, Recreation & Wellness, latest design presented by Jim Smith, lastest site plan (07/14/2006- Min Jiang)" "HOUSING/DINING PHASE I (H1) -906250 HOUSING - PHASE 2 (H2)- 906260 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT/SVC FACIL (LSSF)-900080 JOSEPH EDWARD GALLO REC & WELLNESS CNTR (RW)- 900140 2."Developer Package System Biology Institute (07/14/2006- Min Jiang)" LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 2006 (LRDP) 3."Construction Photo (Spring 2005 to Spring 2006)" "CENTRAL PLANT LIBRARY/INFO.TECHNOLOGY CENTER (LITC)- 900040 CLASSROOM & OFFICE BLDG" (COB)-900100 4. UC Merced Original Approved 2002 LRDP in word & indo-qrk 11/16/2007 Long Range Development Plan, 2002 (LRDP) 5. "LSSF-Powerpoint 20060918.PPT 09/18/2006 UC Merced Logistical Support/Service Facilities" LOGISTICAL SUPPORT/SVC FACIL (LSSF)-900080 6. "2002 January ORG WIAC LRDP (10/18/2006- Min Jiang)" "LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, JANUARY 2002" (LRDP) 7. "UC Merced Recreation & Wellness Center Powerpoint Presentation: PWC-Powerpoint 20041104-20050103" JOSEPH EDWARD GALLO REC & WELLNESS CNTR (RW) -900140 8. "UC Merced Sierra Terraces Powerpoint Presentation Sept. 15, 2005" HOUSING - PHASE 2 (H2, ST)-906260 9. "UC Merced Social Sciences & Management Building Powerpoint Presenation (July & Sept 2007)" SOCIAL SCIENCE & MGMT BLDG (SSM) -900060 10. "UC Merced Housing 3 Powerpoint August 2008" UCM HOUSING 3 (H3)- 906262 11. "UC Merced Science and Engineering Building 2 Powerpoint Presentation 8/17/2009 by Min Jiang "S&E 2-Powerpoint 20090817-Final"" in Both PPT & PDF" SCIENCE & ENGINEERING BLIDG II (SE2)-900020 12. "UC Merced 2009 Final Approved LRDP" LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 2009 (LRDP) New CDs added from Castle Collection, 20140326 (title as it appears on the CD): UC Merced Student Housing BR6, Volume 1 LSSF Infrastructure Bid Documents - project no. 906000, Specs, Drawings, Drawing list, dated 1/5/07 LSSF Building Specs, Drawings, Add. 1&2, dated 2/14/2007, project no. 900080 Dining Expansion, Bid documents, drawings, specs division 1, dated 8/3/2007, project no. 906252 ECEC Training Videos from Meehleis Modular, 2 volumes, 2 copies of each LSSF Construction Documents & Revised Bulletin #1, project no. 900080 LSSF Bid Documents, Specs, Drawings (PDF/CAD), dated 2/9/07, project no. 900080 ECEC Play Yard Expansion, 11/30/2010 Infrastructure LSSF 6.3.2-1,2,3 SSM, 100% DD Drawings [handwritten on postit) R&W, Construction Drawings & Specs, DSA approved, 4/25/2005 SCIF, 100% Construction Documents Submittal, 10/19/2009 UC Merced Housing 2/2006, BR1 Results Temporary Student Resident Lots 1 & 2 and Temporary Staff & Faculty Parking 906530