Campus Parking Lots, G&H & other misc documents
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1 box (Campus Parking Lots G&H: Drawings (construction set), 11x17 Addendum (contract docs) Construction Docs (Adv. for bids, project directory, instruction to bidders, supplement. instructions to bidders, Bid forms, bid bond, preliminary prime trade contractor schedule, agreement, general conditions, suppl. conditions, exhibits, specs, list of drawings) Bound specifications Beginnings Sculpture: 5 folders of change orders 1 folder of submittal transmittals & documentation ECEC: Construction docs (NOC, Contract modifications, NTP, executed bonds, addenda, Cover page, certifications,Adv. for bids, project directory, instructions to bidders, suppl instructions to bidders, bid form, bid bond, agreement, general conditions, suppl conditions, specs, exhibits, list of drawings) Specifications Academic Affairs modular units change orders (loose) SCIF: Submittal package, 0001-12496-0 )